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Rural Reconstruction in China

The Practice of Art, Space and Place


May 22, 2021 - August 22, 2021



Jiangxi Academy of Fine Art Museum

No.63 Shengli Road, ZhushanDistrict,Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province


陈奇 何崴 焦兴涛 靳勒 雎安奇 梁井宇

刘家琨 刘庆元 罗宇杰 马岩松/MAD 孟凡浩

青山村实验 渠岩 王求安 夏雨清 徐甜甜


易居乐农朱竞翔 自然造物 左靖 课本创作小组


CAFA+RK/SP/DY, Chen Qi, EJU-lenong, He Wei, Jiao Xingtao, Jin Le, Ju Anqi, Liang Jingyu, Liu Jiakun, Liu Qingyuan, Luo Yujie, Ma Yansong/MAD, Made in Nature, Meng Fanhao, Qingshan Village Experiment, Qu Yan, Wang Qiu'an, Xia Yuqing, Xu Tiantian, Zhu Jingxiang, Zuo Jing

中国乡村建设地图首刊于《碧山03:去国还乡续》,2013年© 左靖工作室


Curatorial Statement









随着城市化进程在中国各地的狂飙突进,对高度现代化(High Modernity)的反思带来了地方意识的觉醒。而大规模全球流动的加剧,气候的变化与环境的破坏,则引发人们对于消费主义和可持续性问题的关注。乡土主义(Ruralism)与乡村建设(Rural Reconstruction)成为人们重建地方意识、社区秩序与生活图景的理论依托。虽然乡村建设的各项实践由策展人、建筑师、社会工作者以及艺术家在不同的语境下创立,但都具备了一个共同点,那就是他们的活动已经从密集的中心城市(美术馆、商业中心以及城市社区)转移到了复杂而深远的乡村。面对千城一面的非地方性(Non-place),乡村似乎成了最易识别的“地方”代表——乡村成为一方热土,到乡村去,逐渐成为年轻人工作和生活的选项。这些变化的发生,从一定程度上得益于乡村实践者们经年累月的工作和颇具理想主义色彩的精神召唤。他们对于乡村空间的编织、构造与活化,对身份认同的探寻与回归,使得乡村的情感、记忆和归属感得以重建,并为当下的地方文化复兴提供了生气勃勃的样本。




本次展览试图展现近十年来各种社会力量对于乡村建设模式的探寻。从一幢建筑的改造到全体村民的动员,从一个自然村扩展到县域范围的社会设计,开创者们寻找如何展开或溢出自己专业内的工作,协调复杂的乡村社会关系,平衡保护与发展的矛盾,重塑地方的文化并且思考乡村的未来。今天,人们或许还会追问,通过重新激活乡村的公共空间与主体性,我们是否可以将意义延伸至超越话语与地缘历史的层面,实现对于共同体成员(The Commons)的关照。如果说乡村振兴的策略是在总体上调节城乡之间的不均衡性,那么存在于民间社会内外的或松散、或集中的乡建实践,则作为一种新的调节装置,创造流动的地方关系,赋予人们新的地方经验。




Over the past four decades, China has experienced an unprecedented process of urbanization and rural transformation. Social change has traversed two major stages: urban-centered development and urban-rural integration. Each historical stage also had inherent fundamental problems to grapple with: urban-centered development responding to the demands of rapid development, and urban-rural integration responding to the demands of sustainable development.

Rural reconstruction is the inevitable choice if human society desires further progress while coping with crises of modernity.

From "Better City, Better Life" to "Close to Mountains and Rivers, Fondly Recalling Rural Roots," we have seen a perceptible change in social ideology. The voluntary practices of artists, architects and community workers are empowering rural areas by employing academic knowledge and professional expertise.

Negotiation and Experimentation

Over the past decade, new policies and changes in the industrial structure, especially the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, have shown that China is vigorously navigating the practice of rural reconstruction. With the official establishment of the National Administration for Rural Revitalization, a series of institutional arrangements and policy amendments reflect efforts to enrich vast rural areas, adjust the economic structure in agricultural regions, and improve the living standards of rural residents.

In this process, social forces have strengthened cooperation with the government, playing a part in rural reconstruction through the forms of literature and the arts, architecture, the homestay accommodations business, crafts, and community revitalization. In the countryside, people are embedded within contested social relations, local culture and customs, and uneven economic development. It is exactly the complexity of rural community and the differences in participants’ backgrounds, values, and purposes that inaugurates various models of interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders in this challenging experiment.

Place Reimagined

Surging urbanization across China has led to the rethinking of consequences brought by High Modernism, thus awakening a sense of place and locality. Intensified large-scale global mobility, climate change and environmental damage have raised concerns about consumerism and sustainability. Ruralism and rural reconstruction have become the theoretical basis for re-establishing senses of place, community and everyday life. The practices of rural reconstruction, although initiated by curators, architects, social workers and artists in varying contexts, all have common ground, shifting their focus away from the dense central cities (with art museums, commercial centers, and urban communities) to the complex and extensive countryside. Compared with cities, as non-places, the countryside, apparently recognizable as a "place," has become a popular destination for the younger generation to live and work in. This change is due, in part, to years of spirited work prepared by rural re-constructionists and the idealistic call of their beliefs. The construction and activation of rural spaces, and the search for and return to identity, have rebuilt a sensibility, of nostalgia and belonging for the countryside, and set a living example for the current revival movement of place and local culture.

Subjectivity and Production

By generating a new methodology of knowledge production, rural reconstruction can take root deep in the local community – realizing long-term efforts to recognize and respect the history, culture, ecosystem, lived experiences and interests of the countryside. After observing the diverse practices of architects, designers, and artists, such as heritage conservation, residence renovation, tourism planning, environmental management, the homestay accommodations business, community development and product development, our perception of the local context, ways of intervention in local affairs, and the nature of our work has changed. Through "light design," "reversible design," or "design involving no design," rural re-constructionists have developed more appropriate theoretical frameworks and working procedures for providing revaluation schema to the countryside, transforming the complex social situations into visual and cultural reproduction activities. In addition, they are also committed to igniting the traditional spirit of mutual aid that is typical of the countryside, collaborating with villagers and encouraging the inherent power of villager-led construction. Through extensive social mobilization, more economic and cultural resources can be expected from the outside. A variety of social groups should be able to interact with each other, providing ingenious solutions for problems arising from specific rural contexts and opening up more possibilities.

Ideology and Quest

This exhibition attempts to show the quest of various social forces for rural reconstruction models over the past decade. By reviving a single building, a natural village or a county, or even by mobilizing a whole village, these explorers seek ways to carry out and expand their professional work, coordinate complex rural social relationships, balance conservation and development, and reshape locality and envision the future of countryside. Today, in order to raise awareness of rural subjectivity, our practice should go beyond historical or geo-political discourse, and focus on providing support to common community members and the remaking of the public space. The national rural revitalization strategy aims to rebalance urban and rural areas in a general sense; decentralized or centralized rural practices from within or outside of the community thus function as alternative regulating devices, creating a dynamic relationship and an empowering experience for all.

Sustainable rural reconstruction is not a castle in the air, but entails a synergy of favorable natural conditions, thoughtful planning, effective administration and social cooperation. The energy field of the countryside, shaped by its history, scenery, customs and culture, expands across time, and its immeasurable legacy has always nourished us. By focusing on local identity, belonging, sustainability and the propositions of culture, it's an all-hands-on-deck moment for us to re-conceive and reconstruct the past, present and future of the countryside.

Text by Zuo Jing

“乡村变迁——松阳故事”之红糖工坊,浙江丽水市松阳县樟溪乡兴村,2016年。© 徐甜甜/DnA建筑事务所

茅贡粮库艺术中心,贵州黔东南州黎平县茅贡镇,2017年。© 梁井宇/场域建筑

四川广元下寺新芽小学,2009年。© 朱竞翔

四叶草之家,日本爱知县冈崎市,2016年。© 马岩松/MAD建筑事务所

文里·松阳三庙文化交流中心,浙江丽水松阳县,2020年。© 刘家琨/家琨建筑

西河粮油村民活动中心,河南省信阳市新县西河村,2013年。© 何崴/三文建筑


百美村宿—高岭宿集,江西吉安西元村,2020年。© 王求安

东梓关乡村复兴实践,杭州市富阳区东梓关村,2018年。© 孟凡浩

东庵上村儿童之家,河南清丰县双庙乡,2019年。 ©罗宇杰/LUO Studio

《乡》纪录电影预告片,导演:雎安奇,2021年。© 雎安奇

景迈山上的人们,刘庆元 x huangyangdesign, 2021年 。© 刘庆元



文化中的乡村:青田艺术行动,2019年。© 渠岩

”羊磴艺术合作社”项目,冯豆花美术馆,2013年。© 焦兴涛

“乡村考现学:修武的山川、作物、工艺和风度”展览现场,河南修武县大南坡村,2020年。© 左靖工作室

课本封面,河南修武县家乡美学课本驻留,2021年。© “竹林七闲”美育教材驻地创作小组

2019年营业的“黄河宿集”,使荒废的村庄成为热门旅游目的地。© 夏雨清

共享农庄“西窑头村FA公社”,十二栋设计师民宿之一,2021年试营业。© 易居乐农

奇村社区营造团队在大南坡做村民调研,2020年。© 陈奇

乡土手工艺全国调研记录。© 自然造物







Rural Reconstruction in China

The Practice of Art, Space and Place



Presented by

Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group




Organized by

Jiangxi Academy of Fine Art Museum

Zuo Jing Studio




Co-Organized by

Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation

Innovative Development Institute of Anhui University


陈奇 何崴 焦兴涛 靳勒 雎安奇 梁井宇

刘家琨 刘庆元 罗宇杰 马岩松/MAD 孟凡浩

青山村实验 渠岩 王求安 夏雨清 徐甜甜


易居乐农朱竞翔 自然造物 左靖 课本创作小组


CAFA+RK/SP/DY, Chen Qi, EJU-lenong, He Wei, Jiao Xingtao, Jin Le, Ju Anqi, Liang Jingyu, Liu Jiakun, Liu Qingyuan, Luo Yujie, Ma Yansong/MAD, Made in Nature, Meng Fanhao, Qingshan Village Experiment, Qu Yan, Wang Qiu'an, Xia Yuqing, Xu Tiantian, Zhu Jingxiang, Zuo Jing



Artistic Director

Lei Ziren



Curated by

Zuo Jing



Curatorial Advisors

Yanhan Peng, Wang Yanzhi, Hu Shan


崔灿灿 王美钦 靳今

Guest Curators

Cui Cancan, Wang Meiqin, Jin Jin


马仕睿 曲芳正 叶子萌 韩佳 张莹

Visual Design

Ma Shirui, Mark Qu, Ye Zimeng, Han Jia, Zhang Ying


董正蒙 杨术

Exhibition Design

Dong Zhengmeng, Yang Shu



Exhibition Coordination

Pu Jia



Exhibition Management

Jiangxi Academy of Fine Art Museum



